Tuesday, January 12, 2010

well life so far has been crazy as usual. I lost my job in the summer from basically hanging out with Lithuanians, yeah i know crazy but what can ya do! such as my life. but i did get to enjoy my summer witch was nice but no dough coming in so now i am just trying to find a job and i am really getting frustrated cause it's hard times right now and i can't believe just all that has happened these past months and gosh me and my husband want to leave Chicago gosh just give me Florida or California blah but living in Naperville kinda drives me nuts i miss my friends and just the busy city life cause that's in my blood i don't even know what to do i just hope something works out.


1 comment:

  1. i really dig your stuff. all of it, but i randomly decided to put my comment on this one. i'm new to the blog scene. friends suckered me into it, and now i really enjoy it, especially when i come across ones like yours. i hope we can talk some time and you could, perhaps, help me with my blog and make me feel less retarded with it. haha. anyway, my name is troy and i'm at: exmypa.blogspot.com . hope you follow me and critique me so we will have more to talk about. thanks.
